Birmingham Airport set to increase night flights

Despite local objections more night flights to and from Birmingham Airport are likely to get the green light.

The airport says an increase in night flights is required to boost passenger traffic and benefit the region’s economy.

Councillors in Solihull will meet to discuss increasing night flights next week

A report released ahead of the meeting says it would bring ‘very substantial benefits’ for the economy.

The change being considered is an increase from 5% to 7.3% in the proportion of flights allowed to depart or land between 11:30pm and 06:00am.

There have been several hundred local residents calling for a decrease in night flights.

Councillors aim to balance the impact on night time noise pollution and economic benefits.

The current arrangement allows no more than 4,000 flights at night a year.

The existing policy hasn’t significantly changed for 15 years.

The airport wants to change the section 106 agreement with the local authority to enable a higher proportion of daily flights to operate during night time hours.

“The evidence indicates that the proposed changes would have a very substantial benefit both to the local and regional economy. Maintaining or reducing the cap would have a significant consequence and impact on the economic contribution the airport has,” the report states.

“No adverse impacts have been identified which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the significant benefits.”

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